On 30 November 2024, the Data Law was officially passed and will come into effect on 01 July 2025. To cement the provisions of the Data Law, the Ministry of Public Security has drafted and released various draft legal documents for public consultation. In this legal update, we will outline the key contents of these legal documents.
The Government intends to issue a Decree on tax management for the business activities on ecommerce and digital platforms, which require operators of the domestic and foreign e-commerce platforms to withhold and pay taxes (including PIT and VAT) for certain individuals and meeting specific criteria, as discussed in this update.
On 3 January 2025 Vietnam signed the multilateral competent authority agreement on the exchange of country-by-country reports (MCAA CbCR). In this NewsBrief we set out what this means for companies and groups in Vietnam which fall within the CbCR rules.
Decree No. 153/2024/ND-CP, which governs the environmental protection fees on exhaust gas emissions, was issued by the Government of Vietnam on November 21, 2024 (“Decree 153“). This new regulation will take effect from January 5, 2025. Emission-discharging facilities in all parts of Vietnam will be impacted by this law.
In November 2024, Vietnam’s National Assembly passed the Law on Data, which establishes a legal foundation for digital data management, security, processing, and use. It also mandates the creation of a National Data Centre and integrated National Database to improve state management and transparency.
On 31 December 2024, the Vietnamese Government issued Decree No. 182/2024/ND-CP (“Decree 182”) on establishment, management, and utilisation of the Investment Support Fund (“ISF”), to provide financial support to high-tech enterprises and investment projects.
n Vietnam, according to a recent report by Google, AI is expected to contribute up to VND 1.89 trillion (approximately USD 79.3 billion) to the economy by 2030, accounting for nearly 12% of the country’s GDP.1 This legal update shall provide key highlights of the current legal landscape for AI development, as well as some insights for investors to unlock AI opportunities in Vietnam.
The Law on Planning, Investment, PPP and Bidding plays a key role in the implementation of construction investment projects in Vietnam, especially infrastructure projects such as energy and transport works. This article will take a look at the impact of the amended and supplemented regulations on investment and infrastructure activities in Vietnam in the coming time.
On 30 November 2024, the Data Law was officially passed and will come into effect on 01 July 2025. In this legal update, we will highlight some major points under the Draft Decree that, from our point of view, guide the provisions of the Data Law that impact various stakeholders.
As dealmaking in Vietnam continues to evolve in complexity, effective tax due diligence has emerged as a critical factor in shaping successful transactions.
By way of amending the current Law on Pharmacy No. 105/2016/QH13, Vietnam is considered to have made a significant step forward in perfecting the legislation governing the online trading of pharmaceuticals. Law No. 44/2024/QH15 amending the current Law on Pharmacy will take effect on 1 July 2025.
Since 01 January 2025, several legislative documents that may govern the school bus service have come into effect, including Law No. 35/2024/QH15, Decree No. 158/2024/ND-CP, Law No. 36/2024/QH15 and Decree 151/2024/ND-CP. In this legal update, we will highlight a number of remarkable requirements for the schools’ attention regarding the performance of the school bus service under the updated laws of Vietnam.
Under the regulation of Vietnamese laws, in case the contractor performs EPC Contract as a foreign contractor, there will be tax liability for doing business or earning income in Vietnam when signing a contract with a Vietnamese partner. Within the scope of this article, we will provide a legal summary on tax implications of the Contractor during performing the EPC Contract in accordance with the laws of Vietnam.
This article covers: Current status of wind power project transfers, reasons for transferring, transferring risks, and solutions regarding limitations on transferring wind power projects.
To aid in applying the Global Minimum Tax from 1 January 2024, the Government issued Decree 182 in December 2024 on the establishment, management, and use of the Investment Support Fund to stabilize the investment environment, encourage and attract strategic investors, and support enterprises in specific prioritized fields.
Nowadays, when technology is developing rapidly, transactions are established through electronic methods are not too strange. Accordingly, Labour Code 2019 has initially recognized the legal validity of an electronic labour contract, however, in reality, there are not many labour contracts concluded in this form. While there are some benefits of the electronic labour contract, it also has several problems.
The Data Law is set to provide the fundamental principles, policies, and regulations governing digital data. It establishes the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders, including government agencies, private organisations, and individuals. In this legal update, we will highlight some key provisions under the Data Law that, from our point of view, impact various stakeholders.
This legal update analyses new opportunities for RTS power developers under Decree 135 through their services as contractors for power consumers, besides their role as power sellers in power generation and sale under the DPPA mechanism.
The National Assembly of Vietnam has approved a new Law on Value Added Tax, which will take effect on July 1, 2025. Additionally, a resolution has been passed to extend the reduced VAT rate of 8% for the first half of 2025, covering the period from January 1 to June 30, 2025.
On November 29, 2024, the National Assembly enacted the Law amending several articles of the Law on Planning, the Law on Investment, the Law on Investment under the Public-Private Partnership Model, and the Law on Bidding.
Important Vietnamese legal terms can be looked up, with the corresponding term in the other language presented (Vietnamese <-> English). Very helpful resource for those professionals working in both languages
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